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nhlrules00's chat room
Welcome to nhlrules00's chat room

Construction of the site is almost complete.I cant find a way to get a message board so until I do you can e-mail me at if you have any comments.
Poll:Please take the time to answer my poll question.If your pick for the best player is not there e-mail me and i will post the player for you.
Chatroom:are you tired of NHL chatrooms that the conversations have nothing to do with hockey.I will have scheduled chats where the only thing that we will discuss is hockey.Are first chat will be on Sunday at 5pm pacific time or 8pm eastern time
Player Biography's:Each week i will have a new player featured on the player Biography page.You can vote for who should be featured by e-mailing me.
Articles:If you would like to write an article and have it posted just e-mail me it.Every article will be posted as long as it has something to do with hockey.


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above on the left,Lyle Odeline leads Blue Jackets to a 5-2 victory over the Ducks
above on the right,Patrick Lalime is the NHL player off the week